Gaddafi Why now if it was eliminated

What is that Turkey is Syria attack stop - Trump President

Gaddafi Why now if it was eliminated What is that Turkey is Syria attack stop - Trump President Trump President release the sanctions on Turkey In a speech of playing cards the President of the United States the day, it explained that [Turkey to stop attacks on Kurdish forces in northern Syria, the cease-fire came to tell that to the permanent ones], release the sanctions on Turkey then he announced. Glare approximately presidential election approaching after year, he stressed the United States is that it is extremely important step on the pull out from the conflict in the Middle East. And justify their intolerance policy. A's) cease-fire that's the results that were produced by the United States, but seems to have been emphasized. - American stability of the border are doing in Turkey and Russia in the lead did not do anything Mr. B) It is useless. First of all, Trump's in that abandoned Kurdish is out. If you look on it, the United States is coming in Putin's with the arbitrarily missing gap, it was to talk with Turkey.

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